Look In The Mirror

I read one of those cheesy little quotes that said “If you’re waiting for someone to make all your dreams come true… Look in the mirror” or something along those lines. And of course all those quotes people post are inspiring and stuff but you just read them and scroll on. Well yesterday after talking to a coworker who is in her early twenties and how she saves up to go explore the world. I got inspired… A little kinda jelly but mostly inspired. I turned thirty months ago and I feel like if not now then when!? My gf is in her mid thirties and she has no interest in exploring. Her idea of getting away is drinking beers on a beach. My idea is yeah a suntan is all great and shit but I wanna truly explore the world and other peoples cultures too. So on an impulse I BOOKED A TRIP TO LONDON ALL BY MYSELF. Yup. I’m going alone! I don’t mind, I love my alone time. No one to tell me what to do, where to go, none of that! I can walk as much as I want to, sleep in, go to cute cafés, go to museums, whatever the hell I wanna do. I got so nervous but I can’t believe I finally did it! I literally just made my own dream come true in a matter of 15 impulsive minutes! Me! I’m no longer pushing them back, I’m no long waiting for someone to come along and have the same interest as me, I’m no longer depending on people who might potentially let me down. I can do this on my own!
So if you (I dunno who will read this) have ever wanted to do something, go somewhere, etc etc…. GO! TAKE THIS AS YOUR SIGN TO GET UP AND GO!

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